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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2011-07-03  作者:cfcp  
核心提示:乔微(Erika Kuever) Qiao Wei (Erika Kuever) is a PhD student at Indiana University in the United States currently researching the topic of consumer rights. Her current research is concerned in large part with the 3.15 Program to Engineer Co..

    乔微(Erika Kuever)
      Qiao Wei (Erika Kuever) is a PhD student at Indiana University in the United States currently researching the topic of consumer rights. Her current research is concerned in large part with the 3.15 Program to Engineer Consumer Assurance, and she has been invited to head the project's network for international exchange. This network will introduce the special issues of Chinese consumers and the specific domain of Chinese consumption to international society; stimulating international consumer interaction and exchange. The network will act as a service platform for the construction of an international consumption environment in which safety and quality is assured.

      乔微(Erika Kuever)美国印第安纳大学博士生,现从事消费者权益课题研究。对3.15系统工程项目给予极大兴趣和关注,并接受邀请承担国际消费领域国际网络交流工作,通过所主持的国际版块,向国际社会介绍中国消费领域和中国消费者,通过该网络平台,促进国际消费者间交流、互动,以办成国际消费者放心消费的网络服务平台。
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